As people age, they might begin to feel the aches of growing older and may develop ailments or illnesses that necessitate consistent medication. Frequently, these individuals are prescribed numerous medications, often by various doctors who might not communicate with each other regarding the risks of combining those drugs. Side effects of mixing prescriptions can vary from mild to severe and could even be life-threatening. When a person prescribed multiple medications lives independently, they may be at risk for complications affecting their overall health and well-being. For an elderly person living on their own, having a care plan through an in-home caregiver could be extremely beneficial.
A crucial aspect of care involves medication reminders and oversight, which entails guaranteeing the patient's prescriptions are used responsibly, on schedule, and in accurate dosages. Caregivers at North Pacific Home Care are trained to confirm that you or your loved ones have taken the proper medication amounts at the correct times, while diligently recording these actions for your healthcare professional. Our dedicated caregivers will ensure your safety and that of your family members when administering prescribed medications and preventing misuse outside the given instructions. Our experienced caregivers can assist you and your loved ones in handling medication in various ways.
Though our caregivers cannot legally administer medications via injections, IV treatments, suppositories, or forced consumption, they can guarantee that your family members receive the appropriate medication at the right time in accordance with medical guidelines. Our caregivers offer an extra layer of vigilance, ensuring the safety of you or your loved ones when starting new medications, combining medications, or simply standing by for emotional support during this period. Our caregivers will be present for you in the coziness of your own home, precisely when you need them the most!